2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Honors Program

Professor Cribbs & Professor Marchetti, Directors.

The Honors Program at Randolph-Macon College was created to enhance the academic and community experience of our most intellectually-curious students. To that end, the Honors Program asks students to “embrace excellence” through the following program pillars: innovation, collaboration, and experience. Members of the Honors Program at Randolph-Macon achieve their intellectual goals through specialized course work, focused academic advising, and collaborative, active learning experiences that prepare students for their personal and professional lives. The program emphasizes teaching excellence and a curriculum of innovative courses and self-directed educational experiences, enhanced by close collaborative work with faculty and peers and a connection to community.

Program Admissions, Standards, and Academic Requirements for Current Students Entering the Honors Program

Admission to the program is application based; invitations are extended to incoming first-year students with a minimum 3.75 recalculated GPA.  After reviewing the program expectations, interested students are required to complete a web-based essay application to be reviewed by the Honors Directors.  Applications are automatically sent to qualified students by the Admissions Office after students are accepted to the College.

Incoming transfer students with a minimum 3.5 GPA in college-level work are encouraged to apply using a similar process which includes the student’s plan for how they will complete the program in their remaining semesters. Students who qualify will be provided a link to the online application by the Admissions Office. Transfer students who have completed Honors coursework at other institutions may earn Honors transfer credit for that coursework.

For current Randolph-Macon students there is a yearly open application process in January.  The application is sent to all students during the first week of the January term, and admissions decisions are completed by the end of the January term.  Admission is based on a Randolph-Macon faculty member’s letter of recommendation, the student’s academic qualification for the program, and an essay.  

To remain in the program, incoming freshman, transfer, and current students must make satisfactory progress by maintaining good standing in curricular aspects of the program, as well as attending four Honors events per academic year.  The Honors Program director will review program participants’ progress in the program after the conclusion of the first academic term (fall and January terms), and after the conclusion of each academic year. Students will be placed on warning from the Honors Program if their Randolph-Macon College cumulative GPA is below the value required in the table below after the conclusion of the first academic term:

Year at RMC Minimum Cumulative GPA to Avoid Probation and Warning
Freshman Year (less than 28 hours) 3.00
Sophomore through Senior Years (28 hours or more) 3.25

Students will be notified of their warning status in writing. During the warning period students are still permitted to fully participate in program offerings and activities.

The Directors will also contact students who meet the required GPA, but who are not progressing in the program. Students not making sufficient progress in the program will be placed on warning from the Honors Program. Progression standards are outlined below:

Year at RMC Minimum Progression Requirements
Freshman Year (less than 28 hours) At least 1 HONR course. First year E-Portfolio.
Sophomore Year (28-58 earned hours) 2 of 3 HONR courses. Second year E-Portfolio.
Junior Year (59-89 earned hours) 3 of 3 HONR courses. Third year E-Portfolio. HONR 201 or Honors Enrichment Unit.
Senior Year (90 or more earned hours) Completed all HONR courses. HONR 201. Honors Enrichment Unit.

Students will be notified of their warning status in writing. The notification will include concrete steps for the student to be removed from warning. During the warning period students are still permitted to fully participate in program offerings and activities.

At the conclusion of each spring term, students who have met progression and other requirements will be removed from warning. Students who do not meet requirements after the warning period ends will be placed on probation from the Honors Program for a period of 1 year during which they may still fully participate in Honors programming. Students who do not remove themselves from probation after 1 year may be removed from the program.

Participants may withdraw from the program at any time. During the open admissions period in January, students may apply for readmission as long as they are able to complete program requirements. Readmission requires a letter requesting reinstatement, attainment of the minimum quality point average required for remaining in the program, and approval by the Collegiate Honors Council.

A participant in the Honors Program must complete the following requirements in order to receive the honors designation upon graduation:

  1. Complete three 100-200 level Honors courses with a grade of B- or higher.
  2. Complete HONR 201  with a grade of B- or higher.
  3. Complete one Honors Enrichment Unit. This unit could take the form of:
    1. An independent study course;
    2. An honors contract in a regular course;
    3. A senior project course;
    4. The Schapiro Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program;
    5. Student Teaching or NURS practicum coursework;
    6. Study abroad (semester or year); or
    7. Another innovative experience, as approved by the honors directors.
  4. Submit a yearly E-Portfolio containing student reflections on curricular/co-curricular engagement and vocational aspirations.
  5. Demonstrate engagement by attending at least four Honors events per academic year (two in the fall semester, two in the spring semester).