2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Final Examinations

Examinations are conducted in courses at the end of each term. Final papers, projects, or presentations assigned in lieu of a final examination should be due or scheduled for the final examination period assigned to the class. The final examination policy covers the failure to submit or attend to any final examination or final project, paper, or other culminating experience. This policy appears at the top of each semester’s final examination schedule.

In cases involving illness or other extraordinary compelling circumstances, the provost may permit a student to defer the final examination in a course to a time agreed upon by the student, the instructor in the course, and the provost. The symbol I will be recorded if the instructor cannot report a definite grade when final term grades are due. (See Incomplete Grade under Grading System section.) Any student who is absent from a final exam or other culminating experience without approval from the provost’s office will not receive credit for that final exam and will be subject to the grading policies contained on the course syllabus.