2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT 201  - Accounting for Non-Majors  (3 Hours)  
This course is open only to non-business or non-accounting students. This course provides students with an overview of the basic concepts of financial, managerial, and not-for-profit accounting with an emphasis on the use and interpretation of financial reports, managerial planning, and control. Students will come away with a basic knowledge of accounting and an understanding of its importance and uses in decision-making. It is designed for the user of accounting information rather than the preparer. This course cannot be substituted for ACCT 221 or 222 and will not satisfy the requirements for a major in Business or a major or minor in Accounting. C21:QS,SS.
Curriculum: QS,SS
ACCT 221  - Accounting I  (3 Hours)  
An introduction to accounting practices and principles including preparation of financial statements from journals and ledgers. Students should plan to continue with ACCT 222 and should expect to complete many time-consuming homework assignments. Students should be able to prepare proper financial statements from accounting records. Not open to freshmen.
ACCT 222  - Accounting II  (3 Hours)  
A continuation of ACCT 221. Major topics include corporation organization and stockholders' and stockholders' equity, corporation operations to include earnings per share and dividends, income taxes, and cost accounting systems. As in ACCT 221, primary focus is on theoretical concepts and the procedures for gathering, reporting, and analyzing business financial data. Not open to freshmen.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221
ACCT 281  - Special Topics in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
These courses focus on areas of accounting not specifically covered in the general curriculum and are designed to meet the needs of students.
ACCT 321  - Intermediate Accounting I  (3 Hours)  
An intensive study of the generally accepted accounting principles for asset valuation, income measurement, financial statement presentation for business organizations, and the process through which these principles evolve.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222
ACCT 322  - Intermediate Accounting II  (3 Hours)  
A continuation of ACCT 321, with emphasis on accounting for the equities of a firm's investors and creditors and the in depth analysis of financial statements. Special problem areas in financial accounting include accounting for leases, pensions, and income taxes.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 321
ACCT 362  - Cost Accounting  (3 Hours)  
A course that centers on managerial planning and control functions, mainly in the context of a manufacturing organization. The scope of the material covered includes cost accumulation methods; the reporting and departmentalization of factory overhead for product costing and cost control; the planning of sales, costs, and profits; and analytical techniques of budgeting.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222 or permission of the instructor
ACCT 367  - Auditing  (3 Hours)  
A study of auditing standards and procedures. Major topics include professional auditing standards, audit reports, ethics, legal requirements, audit programs, working papers, and internal controls.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222 or permission of the instructor
ACCT 370  - Financial Investigations /Forensic Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course is designed to provide a basis of forensic accounting/financial investigations; the course includes using case studies to illustrate the topics discussed. It provides students with practical applications of a financial investigations using accounting techniques. The course contains three phases of a financial investigation: information gathering, financial analysis, and completion. Information gathering provides students with knowledge on financial crimes and how information can be obtained using multi-media sources. The financial analysis portion allows students to apply accounting techniques towards frauds/financial crimes. Completion of this course provides students with a unique knowledge of accounting techniques used in financial investigations in addition to learning about money/tax/fraud laws and the outcomes of investigations including legal penalties/court processes.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222
ACCT 372  - Tax Accounting  (3 Hours)  
A study of taxation with primary emphasis on the theory, structure, measurement, and significance of the federal income tax insofar as it affects the decision-making process of households and businesses. Attention is also paid to the development of tax planning techniques and to the issues surrounding tax compliance problems.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222 or permission of the instructor
ACCT 375  - Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course studies the role of accounting in the management of resources entrusted to government and not-for-profit entities, including accounting and reporting standards of accounting in municipalities and not-forprofit entities such as hospitals, charitable and health organizations, and colleges and universities. Offered every three years.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222
ACCT 381  - Special Topics in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
These courses focus on areas of accounting not specifically covered in the general curriculum and are designed to meet the needs of advanced students.
ACCT 385  - Accounting Information Systems  (3 Hours)  
An introduction to the subject of information system's role in accomplishing the objectives of financial accounting, tax accounting and auditing, includes an understanding of basic control structure for specific accounting cycles and computerized transaction processing systems. Analyzes controls for manual and computerized systems, including database systems. Offered every three years.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221-222
ACCT 421  - Advanced Accounting  (3 Hours)  
The study of complex financial accounting issues including business combinations, consolidated financial statements, bankruptcies, and partnerships. Offered every three years.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 321, and ECON 201-202
ACCT 440  - Contemporary Issues in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course considers a variety of contemporary issues in accounting such as pensions, leases, revenue recognition, international accounting and financial statement analysis. In addition, students will develop proficiency in the use of the Accounting Codification System, financial accounting resource database developed and maintained by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). C21:CC,CS.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221, ACCT 222 and ACCT 321
Curriculum: CC
ACCT 450  - Internship in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in the field of accounting by using the principles, concepts, and methods covered in regular course offerings. The students will serve as interns in organizational settings where accounting practices and principles are routinely performed. A special fee ($200) is charged for this course. Priority will be given to students with a major or minor in accounting. Application required; see Internship Program. C21:CS,EL.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 321 plus one accounting elective, departmental approval, junior or senior status, and at least a 2.25 GPA
Curriculum: CS,EL
ACCT 451  - Internship in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in the field of accounting by using the principles, concepts, and methods covered in regular course offerings. The students will serve as interns in organizational settings where accounting practices and principles are routinely performed. Priority will be given to students with a major or minor in accounting. Application required; see Internship Program. C21:CS,EL.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 321 plus one accounting elective, departmental approval, junior or senior status, and at least a 2.25 GPA
Curriculum: CS,EL
ACCT 455  - Directed Field Study  (3 Hours)  
A Field Study is an experiential learning course combining elements of workplace experience, observation, and research. Students are expected to work closely with a faculty field study supervisor to develop learning objectives and a plan of study appropriate to the discipline. Assignments may include a reflective journal, activity reports, and one or more directed research papers appropriate to the discipline. Workplace experience requirements should be similar to those of internships. Students should not receive compensation from workplace experience if they are receiving three-hour course credit.
ACCT 457  - Internship in Accounting (Paid)  (3 Hours)  
With prior approval, students may earn Experiential Cross Area Requirement (CAR) credit and transcript notation for one credit hour for a paid internship. To qualify for experiential credit a student must have completed 48 semester hours of work prior to the beginning of the internship and be in good academic standing (not on academic probation) at the time of application and at the start of the internship. Registration and application procedures are similar to those for academic internship courses. Satisfactory completion of a paid internship requires a minimum 130 hours (160 recommended) working at the host site, a reflective daily journal, a final written report, and a satisfactory evaluation from the site supervisor. Paid internships for Experiential Credit may be subject to an application processing fee. C21:CS,EL.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 321 plus one Accounting elective; Instructor Permission Required
Curriculum: CS,EL
ACCT 472  - Taxation of Business Entities  (3 Hours)  
This course gives the student an overview of income taxation of various entity types: corporations ("S" and "C"), LLC's, sole proprietorships, partnerships, estates, and trusts. The course also discusses gift taxes, and reviews the rules governing the formation, operation, and disposition of partnerships and corporations. Students will conduct research and apply the Internal Revenue Code as it relates to these entities and their related governmental tax compliance.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221, ACCT 222 and ACCT 372
ACCT 481  - Special Topics in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course is designed to investigate a field of specialized analysis in accounting. The topics considered will change with each offering. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 221 or Permission of instructor
ACCT 482  - Special Topics in Accounting  (3 Hours)  
This course is designed to investigate a field of specialized analysis in accounting. The topics considered will change with each offering. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
ACCT 491  - Senior Independent Study  (3 Hours)  
This course of study is usually based upon successful completion of the junior independent study course or courses and is done under the guidance of a member of the department. It should bridge the gap between undergraduate and graduate studies in accounting, although it can be of significant value for a student not going on to graduate work who wants to know more about the discipline. At least a 3.25 cumulative GPA and approval by the curriculum committee are required. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): senior standing
ACCT 492  - Senior Independent Study  (3 Hours)  
This course of study is usually based upon successful completion of the junior independent study course or courses and is done under the guidance of a member of the department. It should bridge the gap between undergraduate and graduate studies in accounting, although it can be of significant value for a student not going on to graduate work who wants to know more about the discipline. At least a 3.25 cumulative GPA and approval by the curriculum committee are required. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): senior standing