2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Exceptional Education (EXED)

EXED 334  - IEP's and Evaluation  (3 Hours)  
Students will learn to develop and implement legally correct and educationally useful IEPs. Skills in this area include the ability to apply knowledge of assessment and evaluation to construct, use, and interpret a variety of standardized and nonstandardized data collection techniques; to make decisions about student progress, instructional program, goal development, accommodations, placement, and teaching methodology for students with disabilities who are accessing the general education curriculum and the Virginia Standards of Learning. Offered every fall.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 220 and EDUC 233
EXED 335  - Designing Exceptional Instruction  (3 Hours)  
Management of classroom instruction and behaviors includes research-based classroom management techniques, positive behavior support, instructional design, and establishment of classroom routines and procedures. Elements of effective instructional planning, differentiation of instruction, and other instructional approaches to enhance student engagement and achievement are presented. Students learn research-based high-leverage practices and instructional strategies (i.e., explicit instruction, self-regulated strategy development). Offered alternate fall terms.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 220 and EDUC 233
EXED 348  - Collaboration Seminar  (3 Hours)  
Collaboration includes consultation, case management, and collaborative teaching models; effective communication skills; culturally responsive practices; and the ability to develop home, school, and community partnerships to address the needs of students with disabilities. This class meets one evening each week during student teaching during the student teaching block providing candidates opportunities for reflection and evaluation of their student teaching experience. Offered spring term only.
Prerequisite(s): Completion of all education coursework prior to student teaching and admission to student teaching
EXED 357  - Transition for Students & Teachers  (3 Hours)  
Transition needs for students and teachers are explored with a focus on self-determination and advocacy. Exceptional educators prepare students and work with families and community agencies to provide successful student transitions throughout the educational experience to include postsecondary education training, employment, and independent living that addresses an understanding of long-term planning, career development, life skills, community experiences and resources,self-advocacy, guardianship, and legal considerations.Likewise, candidates'transition needs and professional development goals are explored as they prepare to launch their teaching careers. Offered fall term only. C21:CC.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 234 or 235
Curriculum: CC