LATN 111 - Elementary Latin (3 Hours)
The essentials of Latin grammar with emphasis on forms and syntax and the reading of simple Latin prose. C21:FL.
Curriculum: FL
LATN 112 - Elementary Latin (3 Hours)
Further study of Latin grammar and the reading of selections of prose and poetry. C21:FL.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 111 or pre-placement
Curriculum: FL
LATN 115 - Intensive Elementary Latin (4 Hours)
A one-semester review of Latin morphology, syntax, and reading skills designed for entering students with at least one but no more than four years of high school Latin but who are not ready to take intermediate college Latin. Admittance is only through department placement test. Students who have taken LATN 111 and/or LATN 112 may not enroll in LATN 115. Successful completion qualifies a student to take LATN 211.
LATN 215 - Intermediate Latin (3 Hours)
Review of grammar, practice in the skills required to read and translate continuous passages of Latin prose and poetry, and an introduction to reading Latin literature. C21:FL.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 112 or departmental placement
Curriculum: FL
LATN 331 - Roman Epic (3 Hours)
Selections from Lucretius, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Lucan will be read in addition to Virgil's Aeneid. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 332 - Roman Historiography (3 Hours)
Selections from Livy, Tacitus, Sallust, Caesar, or Suetonius. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 333 - Roman Drama (3 Hours)
Selected comedies of Plautus and Terence will be read. Seneca's tragedies may be added according to faculty and student interest. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 334 - Roman Oratory (3 Hours)
Selections from Cicero's orations. Other possible authors include Seneca the Elder and Tacitus. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 335 - Roman Satire (3 Hours)
Selections from Horace's Satires, Juvenal, and Petronius. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 336 - Roman Epistles (3 Hours)
Selections from Cicero's and Pliny's letters. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 337 - Roman Lyric Poetry (3 Hours)
Selections from Catullus and Horace. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or permission of instructor
LATN 338 - Roman Elegy (3 Hours)
Selections from Tibullus, Propertius, and Ovid. Offered every four years.
Prerequisite(s): LATN 212, 215, or placement
LATN 381 - Special Topics (3 Hours)
Intensive reading and interpretation of the authors and texts not covered in the general curriculum, tailored to the needs of advanced students. Offered as needed.
LATN 382 - Special Topics (3 Hours)
Intensive reading and interpretation of the authors and texts not covered in the general curriculum, tailored to the needs of advanced students. Offered as needed.
LATN 400 - Methods of Teaching Latin (3 Hours)
This course comprises a comparative study of the several approaches to the teaching of Latin and an intensive study of several skills necessary for effective classroom teaching of Latin. Offered as needed.
Prerequisite(s): At least two 300 level Latin courses
LATN 481 - T:Special Topics (3 Hours)
Intensive reading and interpretation of the authors and texts not covered in the general curriculum, tailored to the needs of advanced students. Offered as needed.
LATN 482 - T:Special Topics (3 Hours)
Intensive reading and interpretation of the authors and texts not covered in the general curriculum, tailored to the needs of advanced students. Offered as needed.
LATN 496 - Senior Project (3 Hours)
Individual research project for Latin majors. Student earns a total of six hours for the full senior project experience (496, 497, and 498).
LATN 497 - Senior Project (3 Hours)
Individual research project for Latin majors. Student earns a total of six hours for the full senior project experience (496, 497, and 498).
LATN 498 - Senior Project (3 Hours)
Individual research project for Latin majors. Student earns a total of six hours for the full senior project experience (496, 497, and 498).