Faculty: Necaise, Chair; Elouni, Givens, Henry, McManus, Palesis, and Tookes.
The computer science curriculum integrates theory and practice by including foundational topics that underpin the discipline and by emphasizing the value of abstraction and good engineering design in project development. Elective courses provide an opportunity for deeper study in areas of interest. An important part of the curriculum is the inclusion of professional practice activities such as research experience, teamwork, oral communication and technical writing, and project development. While being sensitive to changes in technology, the curriculum also seeks to prepare students for lifelong learning to enable them to meet future challenges.
A student expecting to major or minor in computer science should enroll in CSCI 111-CSCI 112 in the first year. If credit is given for one or both of these courses, then a student should enroll in CSCI 211 or CSCI 210. A student interested in future graduate studies should complete the two calculus sequences, MATH 131-MATH 132. A student interested in computer hardware is encouraged to select PHYS 210 to meet one of the collegiate science requirements.