2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Archaeology Minor

Requirements for a Minor in Archaeology

Required Courses
ARCH/CLAS 221Archaeological Methods and Theory4
ARCH/CLAS 320Archaeology, Art, and Cultural Heritage Ethics and Laws3
Archaeology Focus Groups
Select four courses from one of the following Focus Groups: 112
Historical Archaeology
Origins of Civilzation
African and Oceanic Art
The United States to 1865
Virginia History
Colonial Latin America
Geographical History
Native American History
The Contest for Eastern North America, 1550-1763
The American Revolution, 1763-1789
The Renaissance
Native American Religions
Ancient World
Origins of Civilzation
Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
Prehistoric Aegean Cultures
Greek Art and Archaeology
Bronze and Iron Age Europe
Roman Art
Art of the Great Empires of Rome and Byzantium
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Athletic Games
Rise of the Ancient City
Ancient Cult and Worship
Roman Life
Warfare in Antiquity
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Identities
Archaeology of Israel
Greek History
Roman History
The Hellenistic World
Total Hours19

All four courses must be selected from the same Group.