2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Behavioral Neuroscience Major

Requirements for a Major in Behavioral Neuroscience

Bachelor of Arts

The behavioral neuroscience major requires a minimum of 47 semester hours, consisting of at least 14 courses.

Required Courses
BIOL 121Foundations of Experimental Biology4
BIOL 123Principles in Molecular Biology3
BIOL 201Cell Biology4
Select one of the following:4
Principles of Chemistry
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Approved Equivalent
PSYC 200Introduction to Psychology4
PSYC 201Research Methods in Psychology4
NSCI/PSYC 320Behavioral Neuroscience3
NSCI/PSYC 323Hormones and Behavior3
NSCI 200Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience3
NSCI 330Behavioral Neuroscience Techniques3
NSCI 331Behavioral and Statistical Modeling3
Select one of the following Category A courses:3
Clinical Neuroscience
Comparative Animal Behavior
Supplement to Travel
Select one of the following Category B courses:3-4
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Organic Chemistry
Internship in Behavioral Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Sensation and Perception
Early Experience and Brain and Behavioral Development
Philosophical Problems
Philosophy of Science
Select one of the following with approval:3
Senior Seminar Capstone
Senior Independent Study
Senior Project
and Senior Project
and Senior Project
Total Hours47-48

Recommended courses include: CHEM 261-CHEM 262 and CHEM 407 and PHYS 151-PHYS 152 for students interested in continuing on to medical school.