2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Classics Minor

Requirements for a Minor in Classics

Select 15 semester hours from the following:15
Any CLAS course
Any LATN or GREK course above 215 1
The Ancient Epics
Ancient Drama
Greek and Roman Comedy
Ancient Women Writers
Travel and Tourism in Ancient World
Origins of Civilzation
Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
Prehistoric Aegean Cultures
Greek Art and Archaeology
Bronze and Iron Age Europe
Roman Art
Art of the Great Empires of Rome and Byzantium
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Athletic Games
Rise of the Ancient City
Images of Women in Ancient Art
Gender-based Violence in the Ancient World
Defining the Classical Style
History of Western Philsophy: Ancient
Ancient Art of Happiness
Total Hours15

LATN 215, GREK 211-GREK 212, GREK 215 may be counted toward the minor if they are not being used to satisfy the collegiate requirements in foreign language.