2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Communication Studies Major

Requirements for a Major in Communication Studies

Bachelor of Arts

Must earn grades of C- or better in all courses used to complete the major. Minimum of 12 courses, 36 hours.

Introduction & Skills (4 courses)
COMM 201Introduction to Communication Studies3
COMM 210Public Speaking3
COMM 215Interpersonal and Small Group Communication3
Select one of the following:3
Media Writing
Advanced Expository Writing
Creative Writing
Creative Nonfiction
News Writing I
Feature Writing
Writing for Film
Upper-level content (4 courses)
Human Communication
Select one of the following:3
Health Communication
Communication in Organizations
Communicating in Relationships
Communication & Conflict Management
Intercultural Communication
Leadership Communication
Gender Issues in Communication
Special Topics
Mass Communication/Media
Select one of the following:3
Communication Law and Ethics
Health Communication
American Campaigns and Elections
Gender Issues in Communication
Media & Diversity
Public Relations
New Media
Special Topics
Select one of the following:3
Presidential Rhetoric
American Public Address
Rhetoric of Place and Space
Visual Rhetorics
Rhetoric of the Body
Special Topics
Upper-level Elective
Select one additional upper-level content course from among the courses listed above or from among the following:3
Special Topics
Special Topics
Internship in Communication Studies
Internship in Comm Studies
Internship in Communications (Paid)
or a relevant course outside the department with chair approval 1
Theory/Method & Capstone (4 courses)
Theory/Method 2
COMM 301Human Comm Theory & Method3
COMM 311Rhetorical Theory & Methods3
COMM 321Mass Communication Theory & Methods3
Select one of the following: 33
Seminar in Communication Studies
Communication Discipline
Total Hours36

A student may request by email to the department chair for one 300- or 400-level course in a related area outside of COMM to count as an elective on the COMM major or minor. The outside course should add to the student's study of communication studies and the connection should be articulated in the request to the department chair. An academic internship in a related program may be included among the options for an outside elective on the COMM major or minor. For COMM majors, this course would not replace the required courses in the mass communication, human communication, or rhetoric communication areas, but could count for the student's fourth upper-level content elective.


The successful completion of COMM 301, COMM 311, and COMM 321 is a prerequisite for COMM 490 and COMM 495. Therefore, students should ideally complete this component in their junior year so that they may enroll in COMM 490 or COMM 495 in either of the semesters of their senior year.


Students double majoring in COMM as well as another major may elect to substitute, with department chair approval, an upper division elective for the Capstone requirement if they are completing a capstone in their other major.