2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Engineering Physics Major

Requirements for a Major in Engineering Physics

Bachelor of Science

ENGR 400Solid Mechanics Lab1
or ENGR 401 Fluid Mechanics Lab
EPHY 150Introduction to Engineering:Stress, Strain, and Fluids3
EPHY 250Engineering Mechanics:Statics3
EPHY 255Engineering Mechanics:Dynamics4
EPHY 300Mechanics of Solids3
EPHY 350Fluid Mechanics3
EPHY 496Engineering Physics Capstone3
PHYS 151Introductory Physics4
PHYS 152Introductory Physics4
PHYS 210Digital Electronics4
Select one Elective course from the following: 13
Modern Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Computational Physics
Special Topics in Physics
Special Topics in Physics
Statistical and Thermal Physics
Solid State Physics
Astrophysics I
and Astrophysics II
Select one two-semester science sequence from the following:8
Foundations of Experimental Biology 2
Basic Inorganic Chemistry
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Principles of Chemistry
and Basic Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Introduction to Computer Science
and Data Structures
Environmental Problem Solving I
and Environmental Problem Solving II
Introduction to Geology and the Environment
and Watershed Hydrology and Water Resources
Total Hours43

Or a substitution approved by the department


And another 4-credit BIOL lab course

Receive a grade of C- or better in these courses.

A student who majors in Engineering Physics may not also major Engineering.