2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Classics Major

Requirements for a Major in Classics

Bachelor of Arts

The Classics major consists of 11 courses, including CLAS 101, and completing one of the tracks in the major.

Classics Major with Classical Civilizations Track

CLAS 101The Ancient Mediterranean World3
Select two of the following courses:6
The Ancient Epics
Ancient Drama
Ancient Women Writers
Travel and Tourism in the Ancient World
Intensive Intermediate Ancient Greek
The Greek Epic
Greek Historiography
Greek Oratory
Greek Philosophical Prose
Greek New Testament
Special Topics
Intermediate Latin
Roman Epic
Roman Historiography
Roman Drama
Roman Oratory
Roman Satire
Roman Epistles
Roman Lyric Poetry
Roman Elegy
Special Topics
Ancient History
Select two of the following courses:6
Greek History
Roman History
The Hellenistic World
Material Culture
Select two of the following courses:6
Origins of Civilization
Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
Prehistoric Aegean Cultures
Greek Art and Archaeology
Bronze and Iron Age Europe
Roman Art
Art of the Great Empires of Rome and Byzantium
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Athletic Games
Rise of the Ancient City
Images of Women in Ancient Art
Select four additional courses from among the courses listed above or from among the following:12
Archaeological Methods and Theory
Archaeology, Art, and Cultural Heritage Ethics and Laws
Ancient Cult and Worship
Roman Life
Warfare in Antiquity
Ancient Sexualities
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Identities
Methods of Teaching Latin
History of Western Philsophy: Ancient
Ancient Art of Happiness
Total Hours33

Classics Major with Classical Languages Track

CLAS 101The Ancient Mediterranean World3
Select three of the following courses:9
The Greek Epic
Greek Historiography
Greek Oratory
Greek Philosophical Prose
Greek New Testament
Special Topics
Select three of the following courses:9
Roman Epic
Roman Historiography
Roman Drama
Roman Oratory
Roman Satire
Roman Epistles
Roman Lyric Poetry
Roman Elegy
Special Topics
Ancient History
Select two of the following courses:6
Greek History
Roman History
The Hellenistic World
Material Culture
Select two of the following courses:6
Origins of Civilization
Art and Archaeology of Egypt and the Ancient Near East
Prehistoric Aegean Cultures
Greek Art and Archaeology
Bronze and Iron Age Europe
Roman Art
Art of the Great Empires of Rome and Byzantium
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Athletic Games
Rise of the Ancient City
Images of Women in Ancient Art
Total Hours33

Classics Major with Latin Pedagogy Track

CLAS 101The Ancient Mediterranean World3
LATN 400Methods of Teaching Latin3
Select five of the following courses:15
Roman Epic
Roman Historiography
Roman Drama
Roman Oratory
Roman Satire
Roman Epistles
Roman Lyric Poetry
Roman Elegy
Special Topics
Roman History
Select one of the following courses:3
Roman History
The Hellenistic World
Roman Material Culture
Select one of the following courses:3
Bronze and Iron Age Europe
Roman Art
Art of the Great Empires of Rome and Byzantium
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Athletic Games
Rise of the Ancient City
Images of Women in Ancient Art
Select two additional courses from among:6
any CLAS course
any ARCH course
History of Western Philsophy: Ancient
Ancient Art of Happiness
Total Hours33

The Requirements for Teacher Certification

The program requirements of a student planning to minor in education for the purpose of certification in Latin vary slightly from those of other Classics majors. In completing the major, education students must complete the Classical Languages track, as well as ENGL 185 and the Education minor.