2024-2025 Academic Catalog

German Studies Major

Note: As of February 17, 2025, major declarations for the German Studies program have been suspended; however, the German Studies minor will remain and continue to accept declarations.

Requirements for a Major in German Studies

Bachelor of Arts

The German Studies major consists of 11 courses, including GERM 215, 245, and 305, and completing one of the tracks in the major. Students whose initial placement is above GERM 215 may substitute another 3-hour GERM course or one from the approved list.

German Studies Major with German Language Track

This track is a good option for those seeking to develop a command of the German language through advanced language, literature, and culture courses that develop students' speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills. Students must complete the following coursework:

Required Courses
GERM 215Intensive Intermediate German4
GERM 245Conversation and Film:The Context of the Two Wars3
GERM 305Conversation in German:Diversity in German Culture3
GERM 495Capstone Experience3
Select four German literature or culture courses from the following:12
Topics in German Literature
Concepts of Identity in German Poetry (1650-Present)
Intro to German Business Culture
Conversational German
Modern Drama of the German-Speaking World
The German Novelle
Enchanted: German Fairytales
The Artificial Body in German Literature and Film
Advanced Business German
Special Topics
Special Topics
Complete three elective courses from the list of approved German Studies courses.9
Study Abroad Program 1
Total Hours34

Students must complete a student abroad experience in a German-speaking country in Europe or a German J-Term travel course.  The department encourages students to spend a full academic year or semester abroad. However, students needing accommodation should talk to the department chair for alternative options.

German Studies Major with German Studies Track

This track is a good option for those seeking an understanding of the culture and civilizations of German-speaking countries, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary coursework and perspectives. Students must complete the following coursework:

Required Courses
GERM 215Intensive Intermediate German4
GERM 245Conversation and Film:The Context of the Two Wars3
GERM 305Conversation in German:Diversity in German Culture3
Capstone Experience3
Complete any 400-level GERM course
Select two German literature or culture courses from the following:6
Topics in German Literature
Concepts of Identity in German Poetry (1650-Present)
Intro to German Business Culture
Conversational German
Modern Drama of the German-Speaking World
The German Novelle
Enchanted: German Fairytales
The Artificial Body in German Literature and Film
Advanced Business German
Special Topics
Special Topics
Complete five additional elective courses:15
Electives may be chosen from the 200- and 300-level GERM courses or from the list of approved German Studies courses.
Total Hours34

For students in the German Studies track, GERM 495 may be completed in the English language. Capstones or Senior Projects in other departments that focus on German cultures, societies, or regions may substitute for the capstone in the German Studies track with prior approval of the department chair. These projects should reflect a culmination of the student's coursework for the German Studies track.

Approved German Studies Courses

ARTH 223Revolutions in 19th Century European Art3
ARTH 224Modern Art3
FILM 228The Holocaust in German and European Film3
FLET 22220th Century German Narrative Fiction in English Translation3
FLET 226The Weimar Republic3
FLET 227German Cinema4
FLET 229The Berlin Republic3
HIST 24419th Century Germany & Europe3
HIST 343The Great War in Fiction and Film3
HONR 125Turkish German Cinema4
PHIL 37019th Century European Philosophy3
PSCI 331European Politics3
RELS 251The Holocaust3

The Requirements for Teacher Certification

To meet the Virginia Department of Education's standards for licensure in foreign language, German-education students must complete the German Language track and the following courses and experiences at they complete the major.

  • LANG 349
  • a semester at an institution of higher learning in a German-speaking country or a J-term travel course offered by the German program.
  • Must complete ENGL 185.
  • Must complete the Education minor.
  • EDUC 426 will substitute for GERM 495 as long as one of the placements is in a German language classroom.