2024-2025 Academic Catalog

History Major

Requirements for a Major in History

Bachelor of Arts

A major in history consists of 33 credit hours in eleven (11) courses, of which at least three (3) courses must be numbered 300 or above and only two (2) of which may be at the 100-level. 

Required Courses30
World History II
Nine additional history courses 1
Must complete any 400-level course 2,3
Total Hours33

Only one of which may be at the 100-level and at least three must at the 300-level.


Except HIST 496 Senior Project. Capstone options include an internship, student teaching, a major research project, or study abroad for at least one semester.


If a student is completing a capstone in another major, that student may forego the history capstone and replace it with another history elective. 

Courses taken abroad or in transfer may apply to distribution and capstone requirements upon department chair approval. 

Program prerequisites: Students must complete one 200-level course before enrolling in a 300-level course, and one 300-level course before completing a 400-level course.

The Requirements for Teacher Certification

The program requirements of a student planning to minor in education for the purpose of certification in secondary social science vary slightly from those of other history majors:

Capstone: successful completion of the student teaching portion of the EDUC minor will substitute for the capstone in the major. A social studies placement is required.