2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Physics Major

Requirements for a Major in Physics

Bachelor of Science

PHYS 205Modern Physics3
PHYS 210Digital Electronics 14
PHYS 250Mathematical Physics3
PHYS 321Intermediate Physics Lab1
PHYS 322Advanced Physics Lab1
PHYS 330Intermediate Mechanics4
PHYS 340Electricity and Magnetism4
PHYS 400
PHYS 499
Physics Research
and Senior Seminar in Physics 2
Select a minimum of six hours from the following: 36
Continuum Mechanics
Computational Physics
Special Topics in Physics
Special Topics in Physics
Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Statistical and Thermal Physics
Solid State Physics
Internship in Physics
Selected Topics in Physics
Selected Topics in Physics
Astrophysics I
Astrophysics II
Observational Astronomy Laboratory
Total Hours32

Substitute PHYS 215 with the permission of the department


Substitute PHYS 496-PHYS 498 with the permission of the department


Substitute introductory or advanced courses in other sciences up to six hours with the permission of the department

Receive a grade of C- or better in these courses.

Teaching Certification

The program requirements of a student planning to minor in education for the purpose of certification in Physics vary slightly from those of other Physics majors.  In completing the major, education students must include the following courses, as well as ENGL 185 and the Education minor. Not all courses required for certification will apply to the Physics major.

PHYS 151Introductory Physics4
PHYS 152Introductory Physics4
PHYS 205Modern Physics3
PHYS 210Digital Electronics4
PHYS 250Mathematical Physics3
PHYS 321Intermediate Physics Lab1
PHYS 322Advanced Physics Lab1
PHYS 330Intermediate Mechanics4
PHYS 340Electricity and Magnetism4
PHYS 400Physics Research3
PHYS 499Senior Seminar in Physics3
BIOL 123Principles in Molecular Biology3
CHEM 111Chemistry for the Citizen4
MATH 131Calculus I4
or MATH 132 Calculus II
Select one of the following:3-4
Introductory Astronomy
Astrophysics I
Astrophysics II
Introduction to Geology and the Environment
A Geologic History of Earth
Total Hours48-49