2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Theatre Major

Requirements for a Major in Theatre

Bachelor of Arts

Required Courses
THEA 211Acting I4
THEA 215Introduction to Directing4
THEA 230Stagecraft and Lighting Technology3
THEA 231Introduction to Theatre Design3
THEA 322Junior Seminar3
THEA 341History of Theatre to 18003
THEA 342History of Theatre since 18003
THEA 422Senior Thesis in Theatre3
THEA 310Dramatics Participation (repeat four times)4
Select three hours in dramatic literature from the following:3
Theatre for Social Change
Theory and Practice of World Theatre
Chinese Theatre
Shakespeare and His England
Full Fathom Five...":Shakespeare in Depth
Hamlet:Perspectives and Production
Shakespeare's Real Stage:Theater at the Blackfriars
Select one from the following:3
Introduction to Improvisation
Theatre for Social Change
Acting II
Directing Studio
Script Analysis
Scenic Design Studio
Lighting Design Studio
Stage Management
Select one elective from AMGT, ARTH, MUSC or STAR 3
Select one additional elective in the Arts3
Total Hours42

For available courses, refer to Arts Management (AMGT), Art History (ARTH), Music (MUSC), and Studio Art (STAR).